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On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 1:15 PM,  <> wrote:
> Hi Chris:
> Thanks for the help. I will investigate the automounter documentation re:
> filesystem types and permissions.
> Can you help me understand what "Force user" mode is?
> I am going to try to share /media with "User" authentication mode.
> Thanks again
> On , Chris Weiss <> wrote:
>> On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 12:11 PM, Nicholas Oleksinski>
>> wrote:
>> > I just installed Samba on my Karmic box and I am trying to share a USB
>> > drive
>> > that has been mounted to /media/Personal1.
>> > 1) It is owned by noleks (me)
>> > 2) Its permissions are 700, unchangeable (?)
>> To change default permissions, you'd have to consult your automounter
>> docs.  As most usb sticks are fat32, they don't actually have
>> permissions, so what you are seeing is a posix permission emulation
>> layer in the vfat fs driver, which is controlled by mount flags.
>> However, and a bigger problem, is that when you make a share on a
>> mount point and the connect to it, smbd will tend to lock the mount
>> point and you won't be able to cleanly unmount the disk without
>> manually killing the smbd process that has it locked.
>> What I have done in the past is to share out /media with the "force
>> user" option so that access to the usb disks is done as my desktop
>> login user.  As I recall, this locks /media but not /media/Personal1
>> so that issue is resolved.  The force user option is a lot easier to
>> deal with than automounters.  And sharing /media means all your usb
>> drives will work without adding a share for each one.  you also get
>> cd/dvd-rom sharing.
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