
I have installed SWAT (Samba Web Administration Tool) using
http://localhost.901/ able to log in and configure the settings. So
far I have configured workgroup, netbios name and set up a shared
folder. This is all done on centos64bit box.

Now using Windows I am able to see the shared folder and able to log
in to it using the user name/password. However I am NOT able to create
any files or folders in a new shared folder using a windows system.
"You need permission to perform this action."

I can't figure out how to give that user permission to be able to
create files inside that folder using Windows. I went as far as
putting maximum permission on that folder for everyone: User, Group
and Others ... still it will not let me.

Any advice would be highly appreciated.

Thank you.

TJ|H2b Analytical Services, Inc. ©
3123 Fite Circle,
Sacramento, CA 95827

(916) 361-7177

~ IT ~ M.R.
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