

I have a share "dev". This share should be readable by all domain users.

Beneath this share, there is a folder "source " which should only
accessibly by developers.

This folder has unix permissions set to 770 (recursive) , owner is user
"build" and group is "develop".


Share setup is:



        comment = Dev

        path = /export/dev

        valid users = @MYDOMAIN\domain-users

        force group = @MYDOMAIN\develop

        browseable = yes

        read only = no

        create mask = 0664

        directory mask = 0775

        access based share enum = yes


security in smb.conf is set to "security = ads".


If I connect to this share by a user that is member in "domain-user" and
NOT in "develop" I can read all files - also all files beneath "source".

Trying the same on a unix console with the user gives a "Permissions
denied"  like expected.


Why did samba ignores the unix file permissions on folder "source" ?

What setting could be wrong?







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