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> From: Mark Casey <>
> Date: December 12, 2011 1:25:34 PM CST
> To: Dale Schroeder <>
> Subject: Re: [Samba] Upgraded samba, mostly still works, but have one issue

> Dale,
> That fixed it. Thanks very much for your time in looking at this issue! That 
> leads to another question though. I don't get why 'winbind use default 
> domain' did not cover the issue, since I have it set to yes. I assumed I 
> could leave off the "DOMAIN\" portion and it would add it for me...but more 
> specifically, even using DOMAIN\camera wouldn't work. I should clarify though 
> that nowhere in my config am I actually typing "DOMAIN\"; I'm only swapping 
> that in     on the mailing list as a redaction. When I tried the fully 
> qualified user account in the IP camera's config the domain matched the one 
> that this samba server is joined to.
> I did note this part in smb.conf's man page about 'winbind use default 
> domain':
> "While this does not benifit Windows users, it makes SSH, FTP and e-mail 
> function in a way much closer to the way they would in a native unix system."
> This would all make more sense if that line means that 'winbind use default 
> domain' excludes not only Windows users but all smb/cifs authentication 
> attempts. Then, it wouldn't apply the the IP cameras at all. However even if 
> that were the case I still can't explain the failure when I tried the user 
> DOMAIN\camera.
> Would you (or anyone) be able to provide any insight? Regardless, thanks 
> again for your help thus far as I can now get this out of the urgent section 
> of my list!
> Thank you,
> Mark
> On 12/12/2011 12:23 PM, Dale Schroeder wrote:
>> On 12/12/2011 10:14 AM, Mark Casey wrote:
>>> Hello list, 
>>> I recently upgraded an Ubuntu 8.04 LTS samba server to 10.04 LTS which took 
>>> the installed version of samba from version 3.0.28a to version 3.4.7. The 
>>> server is an AD member using idmap-rid. I have updated the idmap directives 
>>> in the config and it mostly worked (winbind works, Windows users can get to 
>>> their shares with their correct permissions, etc.). The only thing that got 
>>> broken is the ability of our IP security cameras to store data directly to 
>>> the server through samba. I believe this may have been caused by a change 
>>> to a default setting, such as the  allowed authentication methods or 
>>> possibly something like 'allow trusted domains', since these cameras are 
>>> not capable of actually joining the domain. I've looked at some of the 
>>> in-between release notes but no changes have jumped out at me. 
>>> The cameras are configured to connect to the given smb/cifs server and 
>>> share (which exists and can be mapped from Windows if you use the right 
>>> user). The share ('camshare') has share-level permissions set such that 
>>> DOMAIN\camera should have full access. I have winbind set to use the 
>>> default domain so the cameras are configured to connect as 'camera' instead 
>>> of 'DOMAIN\camera' (but I've tried both anyway, to no avail). I have 
>>> checked the password on the 'camera' account repeatedly. 
>>> However you can see that something isn't right when the cameras try to 
>>> mount the share: 
>>>> root@server:~# tail -f /var/log/samba/log.smbd | grep camera 
>>>>   check_ntlm_password:  Authentication for user [camera] -> [camera] 
>>>>   check_ntlm_password:  Authentication for user [camera] -> [camera] 
>>>>   check_ntlm_password:  Authentication for user [camera] -> [camera] 
>>> If I use that username with the password when mapping the share         
>>> from Win7, it works and the correct permissions are there. 
>>> Here is the smb.conf: 
>>>> [global] 
>>>>         server string = File Server 
>>>>         workgroup = DOMAIN 
>>>>         realm = DOMAIN.COM 
>>>>         security = ADS 
>>>>         password server = * 
>>>>         #password server = 
>>>>         username map = /etc/samba/smbusers 
>>>>         obey pam restrictions = Yes 
>>>>         enable privileges = Yes 
>>>>         map to guest = Bad User 
>>>>         client NTLMv2 auth = Yes 
>>>>         log level = 2, vfs:1 
>>>>         syslog = 0 
>>>>         max log size = 0 
>>>>         load printers = No 
>>>>         preferred master = No 
>>>>         local master = No 
>>>>         domain master = No 
>>>>         dns proxy = No 
>>>>         disable netbios = yes 
>>>>         ldap ssl = no 
>>>>         host msdfs = No 
>>>>         template shell = /bin/false 
>>>>         winbind enum users = Yes 
>>>>         winbind enum groups = Yes 
>>>>         winbind use default domain = Yes 
>>>>         winbind refresh tickets = Yes 
>>>>         idmap backend = tdb 
>>>>         idmap uid = 100000-199999 
>>>>         idmap gid = 100000-199999 
>>>>         idmap config DOMAIN:backend = rid 
>>>>         idmap config DOMAIN:range = 100000 - 500000 
>>>>         idmap config DOMAIN:default = yes 
>>>>         hosts allow = 
>>>>         map acl inherit = No 
>>>>         hide special files = Yes 
>>>>         map archive = No 
>>>>         map readonly = No 
>>>>         map system = No 
>>>>         map hidden = No 
>>>>         force create mode = 707 
>>>>         force directory mode = 707 
>>>>         ea support = No 
>>>>         store dos attributes = No 
>>>>         wide links = No 
>>>>         follow symlinks = No 
>>>>         dos filemode = No 
>>>>         add share command=/etc/samba/ 
>>>>         delete share command=/etc/samba/ 
>>>>         change share command=/etc/samba/ 
>>>> [camshare] 
>>>>         comment = Camera data share 
>>>>         path = /home/camshare 
>>>>         read only = No 
>>>>         writeable = Yes 
>>>>         inherit owner = Yes 
>>>>         guest ok = No 
>>>> [mainshare] 
>>>>         comment = Main Fileshare 
>>>>         path = /home/mainshare 
>>>>         read only = No 
>>>>         writeable = Yes 
>>>>         inherit owner = Yes 
>>>>         guest ok = Yes 
>>>>         vfs objects = recycle extd_audit 
>>>>         recycle:repository = Recycle Bin 
>>>>         recycle:directory_mode = 707 
>>>>         recycle:keeptree = yes 
>>>>         recycle:versions = no 
>>>>         recycle:touch = yes 
>>>>         recycle:touch_mtime = no 
>>>>         recycle:maxsize = 209715200 
>>>>         recycle:exclude = *.tmp *.temp ~$* *.~?? 
>>> I've left off some other shares that don't seem relevant. 
>>> I can provide other info and or more logs if needed. Thanks in advance for 
>>> any assistance you may be able to provide. 
>>> Thank you, 
>>> Mark 
>> Mark,
>> Try adding the parameter "map untrusted to domain = Yes"
>> map untrusted to domain (G) 
>> If a client connects to smbd using an untrusted domain name, such as 
>> BOGUS\user, smbd replaces the BOGUS domain with it's SAM name before 
>> attempting to authenticate that user. In the case where smbd is acting as a 
>> PDC this will be DOMAIN\user. In the case where smbd is acting as a domain 
>> member server or a standalone server this will be WORKSTATION\user.
>> In previous versions of Samba (pre 3.4), if smbd was acting as a domain 
>> member server, the BOGUS domain name would instead be replaced by the 
>> primary domain which smbd was a member of. In this case authentication would 
>> be deferred off to a DC using the credentials DOMAIN\user.
>> When this parameter is set to yes smbd provides the legacy behavior of 
>> mapping untrusted               domain names to the primary domain. When 
>> smbd is not acting as a domain member server, this parameter has no effect.
>> Default: map untrusted to domain = no
>> Dale
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