On 12/09/2011 07:38 PM, Dale Schroeder wrote:
On 12/09/2011 12:05 AM, steve wrote:
Hi Dale, hi everyone.

Thanks. I now have the managed keys cleared:

Dec  9 06:57:33 hh3 named[3125]: managed-keys-zone ./IN: loaded serial 0

Stop bind and see if /var/run/named/named.pid remains. You may have a
stale pid that needs removing manually.

I had a go at that:

rm /var/run/named/named.pid
rm: cannot remove `/var/run/named/named.pid': Too many levels of symbolic links

This looks promising


Yeah, that set me going in the right direction. Thanks. In fact I had to remove /var/run/named which was a link to a directory, /var/run/named which didn't exist. I stopped named, did a mkdir /var/run/named and restarted named. Now I can see /var/run/named/named.pid correctly and the error has gone.

I have:

lrwxrwxrwx  1 root  root    14 Dec  9 05:36 named -> /var/run/named

Removing /var/run/named clears the error but it returns on restarting named.

Also the:

Dec 9 06:57:33 hh3 named[3125]: command channel listening on Dec 9 06:57:33 hh3 named[3125]: couldn't add command channel ::1#953: address not available

See if this is applicable to your situation.



Yes, that seems to explain it. I have
 listen-on-v6 { any; };
in /etc/named.conf

I think that this should be commented (#) as I don't have any ip6 addresses.


As I say, dns is working fine. I'd just like to clear the errors.


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