On 30/12/11 13:09, steve wrote:
On 30/12/11 09:38, steve wrote:
On 29/12/11 19:14, Gémes Géza wrote:
2011-12-29 12:56 keltezéssel, steve írta:
On 29/12/11 11:58, Gémes Géza wrote:
2011-12-29 10:11 keltezéssel, steve írta:
On 29/12/11 10:00, steve wrote:
On 28/12/11 21:59, Bernd Markgraf wrote:
You should create a user in AD for nss-ldap and extract a keytab
for it
(samba-tool domain exportkeytab --principal=....) and configure
to use that keytab for authenticating. Most probably you aren't
to bind anonymously to your AD server (you can try with
ldapsearch -x)
LDAP works with an anonymous bind. You need the Kerberos keytab for
authentication though.

steve@hh3:~>   ldapsearch -x
# extended LDIF
# LDAPv3
# base<DC=hh3,DC=site>   (default) with scope subtree
# filter: (objectclass=*)
# requesting: ALL

# search result
search: 2
result: 1 Operations error
text: 00002020: Operation unavailable without authentication

# numResponses: 1

I found this usage:

samba-tool export keytab PATH_TO_KEYTAB

How can I find my PATH_TO_KEYTAB
Can't get the syntax right:

   samba-tool domain exportkeytab  /var/lib/named/master --principal

Usage: samba-tool domain exportkeytab<keytab>   [options]

samba-tool domain exportkeytab: error: --principal option requires an

samba-tool domain exportkeytab


samba-tool domain exportkeytab /etc/krb5.keytab --principal=steve4

restarted samba but:

su steve4
su: user steve4 does not exist

Am I getting close or should I give up now?!


You still need to configure nss-ldap to do a kerberized bind.
I've found example configurations for nslcd (the daemon part of
nss-ldapd a fork of nss-ldap) at:


phew. That's a biggie.

I have nslcd installed. I've looked at the links and it seems as though I need this in /etc/nslcd.conf

uri ldap://
base dc=hh3,dc=site
sasl_mech GSSAPI
sasl_realm HH3.SITE
krb5_ccname /dont/know

It's the krb5_ccname I can't get.

I have:
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0
Default principal: ste...@hh3.site

Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
12/30/11 09:27:15  12/30/11 19:27:15  krbtgt/hh3.s...@hh3.site
    renew until 12/31/11 09:27:12

The link you gave suggests:

krb5_ccname /var/run/nslcd/nslcd.tkt

But doesn't say where that came from.

Any ideas?


Well, using nslcd, I have finally got through to the Samba 4 LDAP (

getent passwd works and steve4 can finally login

The next bit is this:

getent passwd does not show the home directory:

even though I can see it in the ldap ldif

steve4 gets logged into / but changing to /home/CACTUS/steve4 allows him to create and edit files correctly and with the correct permissions.

Any ideas?

Found it:

map    passwd homeDirectory    unixHomeDirectory

so /etc/nslcd.conf looks like this:

uri ldap://
base dc=hh3,dc=site
map    passwd homeDirectory    unixHomeDirectory
sasl_mech GSSAPI
sasl_realm HH3.SITE
krb5_ccname /tmp/krb5cc_0


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