Hello Jonathan,

thank you for answer. You have right, that is good idea with making standalone (virtual) redirection server for all people. But here is another question: it is possible creates this redirection shares on that virtual server with the most simple path like \\virtual.filesrv\user ? Or i need to using something like this: \\virtual.filesrv\msdfs_share\user ?

You know, people are lazy and they will not be using longer path if the know simplest one to their homedirs (we are not using this samba server as domain controller (although it is so configured for this purpose) - so there are not folder redirection nor policy using).



On 12. 1. 2012 10:45, Jonathan Buzzard wrote:

On Wed, 2012-01-11 at 19:28 +0100, Michal Bruncko wrote:
Hello list,

we have two samba servers on two localities with bigger distance between
them. On both localities there are organizational staff working. And I
am trying to configure homedirectories for all of staff in this way:
- all users will have same beginning part of URL path where is their
homedir located (i.e. \\files.example.com\loginname) for unification and
central acces
- but because the lower speed link between both localities there is need
to locate homedirs:
   -- for locality A - on server A on that locality
   -- for locality B - on server B on that locality

fine, thats are requirements. So I have decided to use MSDFS in
combination with [homes] in this way:
- on server A (which will acts as "files.example.com") there will be
homedirs MSDFS links for users on locality B pointed to their real
homedirs on server B (with classic symlink syntax "user_on_locality_B"
->  "msdfs:IP_of_server_B\user_on_locality_B" )
So if user Bob from locality B will access its homedir, it will be
transparently redirected from Server A to its homedir on closest server B.

I don't think that will work because a share must be all MSDFS. So the
[homes] share on server A cannot serve up both home directory shares to
local users and do MSDFS redirection for none local users at the same

The best way I know of is for their to be a third server say
homes.example.com that does MSDFS redirection for all users. It is not
doing much so a light weight virtual machine will do the job. That does
work and has been for a number of years now.


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