On Wednesday 11 January 2012 21:55:58 Jeremy Allison wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 11, 2012 at 05:28:59PM +0000, luxInteg wrote:
> > Greetings,
> > 
> > I have a samba server deployed.
> > The machine has these:
> > cpu:         amd64  -4 cores
> > motherboard :GA-990XA-UD3 with 6 sata ports and
> > StarTech 2 Port SATA 6Gbps PCIe SATA Card
> > memory:      16GBytes
> > disks:        raid 10 (6 disks)
> > os:            cblfs/linux kernel-3.1.5 pure 64bit and  samba-3.6.0
> > 
> > The  machine in deployed  as a data-storage-device    for  windows7-based
> > machines doing  3d graphics rendering using
> > 3d-StudioMax.  There are 8 client machines  with plans to expand this to
> > ~20. The rendering machins do frequent writes and reads to the samba
> > server  which also runs linux software raid  (RAID10).    The smb.conf
> > has these:
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > [global]
> > 
> >     workgroup = WORKGROUP
> >     netbios name = WHATEVER
> >     server string = Samba %v on (%L)
> >     
> >     encrypt passwords = True
> >     security = user
> >     smb passwd file = /etc/smbpasswd
> >     log file = /var/log/sambaUSER-log.%m
> >     socket options = IPTOS_LOWDELAY TCP_NODELAY
> >     
> >     hosts allow = 192.168.0.   127.
> >     host deny =
> >     
> >     interfaces = eth* lo
> >     bind interfaces only = yes
> >     
> >     dos charset = cp850
> >     unix charset = ISO-8859-1
> >     load printers = yes
> >     max log size = 50
> >     local master = yes
> >     printing = cups
> >     guest account = guest
> >     os level = 99
> >     dns proxy = no
> >     wins support = yes
> > 
> > #[ipc$]
> > #    hosts allow =
> > #    hosts deny =
> > 
> > [homes]
> > 
> >     comment = Home Directories
> >     valid users = %S
> >     read only = no
> >     browseable = no
> > 
> > [printers]
> > 
> >     comment = All Printers
> >     path = /var/spool/samba
> >     browseable = yes
> >     guest ok =  yes
> >     printable = yes
> >     browseable = yes
> >     writable = no
> >     create mask = 0700
> >     public = yes
> > 
> > there is no firewall yet
> > 
> > It is a new setup and the server is crashing daily. We do not know the 
> > cause
> > of the crashes  but here are some  unusual ways  the server us currently 
> When you say "the server is crashing daily" do you mean kernel
> panics/freezes ?
> Jeremy.

I only received useful   info and after  some tests. Thr test I did under 
heavy writes all passed.   I am unsure if it is  kernel panics as I have not 
been on site   when the reported crashes happen  to  verify.   The reports are 
that  it crashes  under heavy reads.     (i.e. up to   20 rendering computers 
are fetching  files of up to 10 Gbytes each simultandeously )
But it does not crash under writes.

Suggestions welcomed
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