I just upgraded from Ubuntu 11.04 to 12.04 and am working to restore access to 
the windows shares I use at work.

smbclient connects immediately:

     sudo smbclient //server/share -A /etc/.smb_creds.txt

mount.cifs fails (with "mount error(13): Permission denied"):

     sudo mount.cifs //server/share /mnt/ -o credentials=/etc/.smb_creds.txt

my credentials file is as follows (with the proper values, of course):




I remember on a previous occasion having resolved a problem by including a 
mount option "noserverino". I've tried that to no effect. I've also tried 

The syslog contains this message in response to each failed attempt:

     CIFS VFS: cifs_mount failed w/return code = -13

Whatever this glitch is, it seems pervasive.  smbclient is the ONLY way I've 
been able to successfully connect to my shares so far. Failed methods attempted 

* mounting with "mount -t cifs ..."

* mounting with "mount -t smbfs ..."

* mounting directly with "mount.cifs ..."

* configuring smbnetfs (supposed to make the windows network browsable from a  
single mountpoint -- I could see the servers and shares, but not directories on 
the shares)

* configuring fusesmb

* Nautilus' "Connect to Server" functionality

* Nautilus' "smb:///..." browsing

It seems like smbclient is handling authentication in one way (working) and 
everything else is doing it in some different way.

I'm baffled and appreciative of any suggestions you can provide. Thanks in 

Scott Purcell

Dell | GSD Learning & Development

Scott Purcell
Content Development: Linux, Virtualization, and Cloud Solutions
Dell | GSD Learning & Development
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