On 19/05/2012 11:57, Mike Howard wrote:
On 19/05/2012 11:12, Michael Wood wrote:

So, the question is; What am I doing wrong?
I haven't tried the above myself, but it seems you are adding it the
wrong way around.  i.e. it looks like you are saying that the
canonical name of "centos" is "debian" instead of what you want (i.e.
that the canonical name of "debian" is "centos".)

i.e. it looks like you now have this situation:

centos IN A
centos IN CNAME debian

Yes, I did wonder about that and did try it the other way around. That
resulted in a new record as follows;

  Name=debian, Records=1, Children=0
    CNAME: centos. (flags=f0, serial=21, ttl=900)

But it still doesn't resolve.
OK, then try specifying the FQDN for "centos" when you add the CNAME
record.  From the output above it looks like it's adding a CNAME to
"centos." instead of "centos.example.com".

Also try:

dig @ debian.example.com. IN CNAME

If everything is set up correctly you should get something like this:

;debian.example.com.        IN    CNAME

debian.example.com.    3600    IN    CNAME    centos.example.com.

Ok, I used;

samba-tool dns add example.com debian CNAME centos.example.com

a query now returns;

  Name=centos, Records=1, Children=0
    A: (flags=f0, serial=2, ttl=900)
  Name=debian, Records=1, Children=0
    CNAME: centos.example.com. (flags=f0, serial=23, ttl=900)

and 'dig @ debian.example.com. IN CNAME' returns;


;debian.example.com.   IN      CNAME

debian.example.com. 900 IN     CNAME   centos.example.com.


However, neither 'debian' nor 'debian.example.com' resolve to an IP, yet the output from dig implies the entry is correct? Of course, 'centos' does resolve.

I guess I could 'bodge' it and add intended CNAMEs as A records :) A workaround at least.

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