From: "Ben Metcalfe" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2012 2:24 PM
Subject: Re: [Samba] speed of samba vs Windows

On 28 June 2012 20:15, Ben Metcalfe <> wrote:

"That's the point. I am
pushing the idea that our problem is not using folder redirection and the
Windows guy is pushing the idea that its samba itself."

Your windows guy just needs to implement a few AD registry tweaks (see
below etc) to get things working sweetly,

Well, that is not going to happen.

Eh -- maybe if I can persuade the boss. But I think if this is going to get fixed, I am going to have to fix it myself. But that is probably fair because I think I probably messed it up. I believe folder redirection was working at one time under my predecessor. I believe I messed it up when I built a new file server. I have a vague memory of choosing to not copy some files in the root of the netlogon share over to the new server not knowing what they were for. My predecessor left a lot of stuff just lying around. I mean, who doesn't? So I thought they were extraneous and when the domain seemed to work find for a few months, I figured it was okay to reformat the hard drive on the old server.

We are just now making the switch from XP to Win7. I understand that XP and Win7 profiles are not compatible. If we have to have our Windows users (and there aren't that many) create new profiles, maybe I can make sure they get created with full folder redirection implemented. Even if we have to migrate the profiles (and I have no idea oif that is even possible) maybe we can also add the appropriate registry keys.

I already know way more than I want to about Windows systems admin. Guess I'll have to learn about setting registry keys and default user profiles, etc.

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