Too late to save grief, I've been grieving on this for weeks now.

I'm rolling back to 3.4.8 because I heard from several sources that idmap
against AD has broken at some point since then. I'd obviously prefer to
install 3.4.8 from an RPM or (even better) a yum repository somewhere but
can't seem to find any for this distro and/or version.

I haven't heard from anywhere that the idmap --> ad problem is fixed in
3.6. Is it? If so, I'd be happy to try that instead.

I confess I'm unfamiliar with how to use RPM's to install the source and
then compile from there. Install the RPM and then from some newly created
source folder I ./configure / make / make install / etc?

>From the github link below, how do I get an actual rpm file to install?

Can anyone point me toward a howto?

Or I could get the "plain" source tarball from for some later
version (that's where I'm getting 3.4.8). But it seems likely I'll have
the same trouble with the daemon not starting.

Or can anyone answer my actual question? For example, how to get logging
working so I can get some clues on why the binary fails to start?

Hope to hear from you.


-----Original Message-----
From: Nico Kadel-Garcia [] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2012 6:07 PM
To: Randy Rue
Subject: Re: [Samba] compiling samba 3.4.8 on CentOS_6.2

On Tue, Jul 10, 2012 at 7:32 PM, Randy Rue <> wrote:
> Hello All.
> Been trying without avail to make idmap work with my AD so I can get
> UID/GID for SSH logins on a CentOS_6 box. Have heard from several 
> sources that idmap has seen some serious changes since 3.5 and decided 
> to roll back from the "stock" 3.5 that comes with CentOS_6 to 3.4.8. 
> I'd like to see if it has the same problems.

Save yourself some grief. Either go to for a more recent
version, or look at: for some useful and very
buildable tools for a more recent release.

> Installed a clean build of CentOS_6.2. Stopped the samba service, 
> removed the package using yum and excluded samba* from yum updates in
> Downloaded and extracted the 3.4.8 tarball.
> cd into samba-3.../source3 and ran:
> the script
> ./configure
> make
> make install
> copied the smb.init script from the packaging/RHEL/setup folder to 
> /etc/init.d and made it executable chkconfig --add smb chkconfig smb 
> on
> service smb start fails. Tries to start both smbd and nmbd and both
> First I get errors about libraries.
> copied the file from /usr/local/samba/lib to /usr/lib64 
> fixed that one
> Then I get errors about not finding the binaries linked 
> /usr/local/samba/sbin/smbd and nmbd to /sbin and fixed that one This 
> feels like a hack. I also tried adding /usr/local/samba/sbin to the 
> path. Also a hack but made no difference.
> Now if I try service smb start (or restart) I get failures from the 
> init script.
> Or I can try smbd directly and I get no response (it appears to start) 
> but "ps" shows that it didn't start.
> I've turned debug level and log level up to 3 in smb.conf (tried both
> arguments) but I get nothing in /var/log/syslog and nothing in any 
> file in /var/log/samba when I try to start it.
> Forgive the anecdotal tone of the above, I'm working mostly from 
> memory and have probably garbled a path or file name. Then again, I've 
> been through these steps six or more times now.
> Am I missing something obvious?
> Hope to hear from you,
> Randy
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