On 08/08/2012 05:58 PM, Jonathan Buzzard wrote:
On 08/08/12 15:13, Rowland Penny wrote:
On 08/08/12 14:45, Jonathan Buzzard wrote:
On 08/08/12 13:36, Rowland Penny wrote:


More info, with 'winbind use default domain = yes' in smb.conf on the
client, 'getent group linuxusers' returns the info. Remove 'winbind use
default domain = yes' from smb.conf and restart nmbd,smbd & winbind,
'getent group linuxusers' now returns nothing, put the line back &
restart the daemons and the info comes back.

Why does one line in smb.conf make such a big difference?

Remove it and do a 'getent group HOME\\linuxusers' and see if that
works. Should explain why you need the user default domain in there.


ok, I removed the line and ran 'getent group HOME\\linuxusers'
This returned 'HOME\linuxusers:x:3000012:', this is just the same as
before but with the domain name stuck on the front, 'getent group' still
returns nothing.
So as I see it, with ''winbind use default domain = yes' in smb.conf,
you do not need to give the domain name, but without it you do.
I still do not see why 'getent group' does not return anything but local

You did make sure to nuke any DB's that Samba might have created locally when switching between the two?

I just physically removed /var/lib/samba and /var/cache/samba and did apt-get purge samba winbind samba-common. Then reinstalled over bare metal. _Still_ only local groups from getent group.

It works fine. We can login and files are shown as being owned by e.g.
WORKGROUP\steve WORKGROUP\domain users

It would just be nice to be able to see the groups listed by getent group. That's all.

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