On 10/04/2012 09:49 AM, Marcio Oli wrote:
I am writing this letter and I hope that I'll have answers about the
generation of smb.conf by the way of smb.conf.master with testparm command.
Like is described on page 5 of Samba3-HOWTO.pdf.

The situation is:
- The manual of smb.conf says that the default value of the parameter “name
resolve order” is “lmhosts host wins bcast”, but when I type the command

# testparm -s smb.conf.master > smb.conf

      the following occurs: the smb.conf generated by this command don't
have the parameter “name resolve order” expressed, but in my
smb.conf.master is configured like:
name resolve order = lmhosts wins host bcast
At this situation, I think should appear the parameter because it is not a
default value. The order is different of default in smb.conf.master.

Thus, I would like to know if the documentation of samba is incorrect about
this configuration or testparm is with a problem to create the smb.conf.
Most probably the man page, which version are you using ?

Yours Truly,

Marcio Oliveira
Técnico de Informática
+55 (61) 3314-8520
Procuradoria Geral do Trabalho

Matthieu Patou
Samba Team

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