Hi Simon,

as far as I know, you can't hide shares with user specific settings. It is not 
implemented wether in Windows nor in Samba. The only way is to hide the share 
for all users by adding the "$" at the end of the share name - like [kmplan$].

To limit access to the share you need to set share and corresponding filesystem 



simon ben <guy200...@yahoo.com> schrieb:

>Dear All,
>I have implemented samba to right now in test environment to be
>implemented in production as  samba file server
>so far its working grt 
>but I have one issue
>i have right now one share and want only the users who have access to
>the share to see it
>and the others should not
>when I log into the user who has no access I see the share and when i
>double click it ask me for username and password
>googling arround this issuse is solved by using the below in smb.conf
> hide dot files = yes
>        hide unreadable = yes
>in the share definition section.
>but its still visible
>security is set as user
>here the part of my smb.conf
>    writeable = yes
>    path = /opt/network/testplan
>    write list = @localgrp
>    revalidate = yes
>        hide unreadable = yes
>    hide dot files = yes
>    comment = masterplan testing directory
>    valid users = @localgrp
>is there anything i need to set in smb.conf
>appreciate your help and advice

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