On 10/22/2012 05:10 PM, Andrew Bartlett wrote:
On Mon, 2012-10-22 at 14:51 -0400, Robert M. Martel - CSU wrote:

[2012/10/22 14:23:07.353280,  0] libads/kerberos.c:333(ads_kinit_password)
    kerberos_kinit_password WEBDEVEL$@CSUNET.CSUOHIO.EDU failed: Clients
credentials have been revoked
Join to domain is not valid: Access denied

The Active Directory admins are still saying that they have not changed
anything on their side.

It seems unlikely if you just re-joined, but in case we are talking
about multiple machines, could the password have been expired?

The problem existed for multiple machines.

After Brian Campbell's note I double-checked the clock-sync on the servers and found it to be okay.

The Active Directory (AD) admins that "did not change anything" finally reported having some vague problem with their domain server replication that only seem to affect *my* Samba servers (I may be the only person on campus running Samba servers that are members of the university's Active Directory system.)

There was some more hand waving, reports of trying to get some support out of Microsoft, and finally a mention that *someone* had been making some changes to AD config in preparation of moving from Lotus Notes Email to MS Exchange.

The AD admins then "did something else" and now the problem no longer exists. I am still trying to get some real information as to what happened.

If I (ever) find out I will note it here. I always hate seeing problem reports in Email archives that never talk about resolution.

Thank you!

At least I got my Samba versions less out of date. Have to see if building 3.6 is as much of a pain on Solaris as 3.5 has been.

Robert M. Martel                 I met someone who looks a lot like you
System Administrator             She does the things you do
Levin College of Urban Affairs   But she is an IBM
Cleveland State University                           -Jeff Lynne
(216) 687-2214
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