I am also struggling to find up to date information on using Samba 4 with
linux clients. I have managed to get the RFC 2307 fields by installing the
'NIS tools' feature on a W2k8 DC, and creating a 'NIS domain'. Previously I
could see the fields, but could not select a NIS domain in the ADUC tool to
make the RFC 2307 fields enabled.
I was successful in using Samba4 AD with Ubuntu 12.04 (precise) clients using winbind (in nsswitch and pam) and kerberos (pam-krb5)
the relevant changes (to the default config are):
            proxiable = false
    workgroup = YOUR_WORKGROUP
    realm = YOUR_REALM
    kerberos method = system keytab
    security = ads
    winbind enum groups = yes
    winbind enum users = yes
    idmap config *:backend = tdb
    idmap config *:range = 2000001-3000000
    idmap config YOUR_WORKGROUP:default = yes
    idmap config YOUR_WORKGROUP:backend = ad
    idmap config YOUR_WORKGROUP:range = 0-2000000
    idmap config YOUR_WORKGROUP:schema_mode = rfc2307
    winbind nss info = rfc2307
    winbind expand groups = 2
    winbind nested groups = yes
    winbind use default domain = yes
    passwd:         files winbind
    group:          files winbind
pam-auth-update took care of pam configuration (I had to do only afs homedirs related changes, irrelevant if you don't use afs) winbind pulls correctly all the information for the users and group which have been posixified. However with the same config on debian squeeze or wheezy I receive only a part of the group memberships, and other nastiness (e.g. getent group and id for a group member give different results)
I'm also trying to find out the correct way to add the autohome nis map. I
have tried:

ldbmodify -H /usr/local/samba/private/sam.ldb automount_template.ldif
You shouldn't modify the sam.ldb directly while samba is running instead would suggest to use ldbmodify -H ldap://your-ad.server ....
--option="dsdb:schema update allowed"=true

But this seemed to fail. I have thought I might need to use the Microsoft
schema management tool to add the automount schema.


Geza Gemes


  Hello Steve,
The only way I have found to enable those options is to provision with
"--use-rfc2307". We are performing an upgrade from Samba3 and I noticed
that the options were not grayed out after performing a classicupgrade,
were grayed out after a "clean" provision. I finally figured out that the
classicupgrade always uses the "--use-rfc2307" flag. This flag will add
option "idmap_ldb:use rfc2307 = yes" to your smb.conf, however, it has
my experience that adding that to smb.conf post-provision does not enable
the UNIX Attributes options, so the provision option must do something
else. I would like to know if there is a way to enable this after the
but I've not come up with anything yet. I need to complete further testing
on the actual authentication of Linux clients, Apache, RADIUS and OpenVPN,
but have run into a show-stopper with DNS replication and have moved all
efforts to this for the time being. I was able to get Linux clients
authenticating via winbind, but this was before I found out about the
"--use-rfc2307" option and winbind was using auto-generated UIDs and GIDs.
Any notes you come up with would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Thomas.

  Provisioning with --use-rfc2307 also loads the "NIS" schema into AD and
thus allows you to set that attributes via ADUC.
To do the same after provision you would need to import the schema after
provision. The skeleton of it is in /usr/local/samba/share/setup/**
on a default install.


Geza Gemes

  On Fri, Nov 23, 2012 at 10:38 AM, Steve van Maanen <st...@starsphere.jp
  Hello everyone,
I am trying to figure out a way to migrate NIS maps to SAMBA4 (I want to
replace NIS with SAMAB4 for a Linux domain. I have researched a fair bit
the web but have not found out any solutions and was hoping I could find
some help here. What I have found so far pertains to Windows
implementations of Active Directory.

Here are my questions.

1) Is it possible with a default install of SAMBA4 or do I need to extend
the schema?
2) I notice there is a Unix attributes tab for users, when using Active
Directory users and groups to administer the Samba4 AD, but I am unable
change the properties. Is there any way I can enable this?
3) Has anyone done this and if so, can you offer me some pointers?

Many thanks!

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