On 12/12/12 09:00, Orlando Richards wrote:
On 11/12/12 10:17, Bjoern Baumbach wrote:
Hi Orlando!

On 12/10/2012 04:01 PM, Orlando Richards wrote:
Is there any way to remove entries in a CTDB cluster once they have been
created, short of shutting down all nodes, editing each tdb manually,
then starting them back up?

Yes! You can use the undocumented dbwrap_tool.

USAGE: dbwrap_tool <database> <op> [<key> [<type> [<value>]]]
        ops: fetch, store, delete, erase, listkeys, listwatchers
        types: int32, uint32, string, hex

# list all the keys
dbwrap_tool yourdb.tdb listkeys

# remove the record by key
dbwrap_tool yourdb.tdb delete "name of the key"

Best regards

Excellent - thanks Bjoern, I'll give that a go.

Worked perfectly - though I had to rebuild the sernet src rpm to get the binaries, since they're not included in the rpm packages you guys build (btw - thanks again for providing them!), but that was easy enough.

I also had slight confusion because the "listkeys" will spit out "S-12345...-1234/00" and "GID 12345/00" - and it took me a while to realise that I had to drop the "/00" part when calling the "delete".

Thanks again Björn - and everyone at Sernet :)

   Dr Orlando Richards
  Information Services
IT Infrastructure Division
       Unix Section
    Tel: 0131 650 4994

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