On Wed, 15 Jan 2003, Gabriel D. Preston wrote:

> I downloaded the Samba 3.0alpha22cvs version today because I am having
> the same problem.  I did the ./configure, and the make, and found the
> 'profiles' utility in the bin directory.  I then ran it against an
> ntuser.dat file that had been copied over to the Unix server from the
> Win2K machine.  This is the output I received:
> root@file bin # ./profiles /home/gpreston/ntuser.dat
> Registry file size: 364544
> First Key Off: 32, Data Block Size: 360448
> Next Off: 0, Prev Off: 4096
> Type: 2c
> SK Off    : 105374
> Incorrect SK Header format: 00008AFC
> Apparently something is wrong because it can't get a SID from the
> profilefile, so now I am unsure how to go about changing it to the new
> one.  Also, how do I determine a user's new SID on the new system?  I
> know their UID, this is in the smbusers and /etc/passwd file, but am
> unsure on how I determine their SID.  Any more help on the matter?

Usage: profiles -c 'old-sid' -n 'new-sid' profile_path_and_name

You can add the -v (verbose) option too.

What is the output of just using -v on this file?

- John T.

> -Gabe Preston
> John H Terpstra wrote:
> >On Wed, 15 Jan 2003, Erwin Zierler wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> >>John H Terpstra [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>>You see the NTUser.DAT file is keyed to the user's SID and the Domain SID
> >>>of the NT4 environment in which they were created. You need to either use
> >>>the NT4 procedure as documented in the resource kit for migrating the
> >>>profile, something that Microsoft only supports within the one domain
> >>>anyhow, or else use the profile editting tool that Richard Sharpe has
> >>>provided and that is part of samba-3.0.0 that will appear in the next
> >>>alpha. Meanwhile you could download the source from the CVS tree and
> >>>compile it yourself. It is called profiles.c. It would be best to build
> >>>samba-3.0.0 from the CVS tree as this tool is build automatically when you
> >>>do it this way.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>I just compiled the latest snapshot but I can't figure out which program
> >>is the one that I would want to use for editing profiles.
> >>In source/profile/ I see profile.c and after the build I get only an object
> >>file (profile.o) - so tried to grep all documents and sourcefiles for
> >>something that gives me more info - but no luck.
> >>
> >>
> >
> >Did you download the samba-3.0.0 CVS Code?
> >
> >If so, you will find the executable (once you have done the 'make
> >bin/profiles') in ~samba/source/utils. It will be called 'profiles' and
> >will have been built from the profiles.c in that directory.
> >
> >You will need to look at the documentation inside the profiles.c file
> >until we can get man pages into the code tree.
> >
> >
> >
> >>I must have missed it I guess, doesn't help that it's 5am either :-(
> >>
> >>
> >
> >I guess I could have been clearer with my advice. :(
> >
> >
> >
> >>Anyway, migrating 20 w2k workstations from an old NT 4.0 server to
> >>samba 2.2.7a has cost me like 24 hours altogether now. I dont even
> >>need the PDC functionality, I just dont want to reinstall all those
> >>applications and settings on all those client machines ;-)
> >>
> >>
> >
> >And I am sure you would like both legs amputated without anaesthetic!
> >Right? :(
> >
> >
> >
> >>I wonder if I really have to buy the MS Resource Kit to get the info that
> >>is needed to successfully migrate those silly profiles. I figured what
> >>I am trying to do is something that other samba admins have faced before?!
> >>
> >>
> >
> >No, it is too late for you to benefit from the resource kit if you have
> >already changed to the samba server.
> >
> >No, you are NOT the first to have to deal with profile migration issues,
> >that's why there is a migration tool now.
> >
> >
> >
> >>Has anyone on this list done it? If yes, I'd really appreciate if you can
> >>drop me a line.
> >>
> >>
> >
> >If you really need a phone call email me your phone number to
> ><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> I'll call you to help.
> >
> >- John T.
> >
> >

John H Terpstra
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