On Fri, 2013-01-04 at 14:09 +1300, Mario Codeniera wrote:
> Thanks so much Andrew, it is working fine.
> But when I try to reinstall and recompile without removing the 'root'
> account from the OpenLDAP and it doesn't have an error (just for
> curiosity), and the root account password is also the administrator
> password after migration.
> I am on the process of connecting it to the real machine which previously
> connected with the DC-Samba3, seems some problem but I have
> to re-investigate it  the cause maybe a DNS et al. I don't want to
> re-connect (re-establish) it to the Samba4, coz I retain the SID of Samba4
> from Samba3.
> I used to connect new machine but machines after migration (samba3
> machines), at first able to connect because you able to login. But after it
> you can't able to see it, I even try administration tools, again as said on
> previous paragraph needs to check other causes.


I'm really sorry, but I've tried a couple of times to make sense of what
you have written above, but I just can't.

Please can you clearly state:

For your testing domain or configuration:
 - What was working
 - What was not working
 - What you changed
 - What is now working

For your attempt to apply this to your production domain:
 - What is working
 - What is not working
 - What was working but is now not working
 - What you have attempted to do to fix it


Andrew Bartlett

Andrew Bartlett                                http://samba.org/~abartlet/
Authentication Developer, Samba Team           http://samba.org

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