This isn't exactly a Samba problem, but I am hoping the experts here can
help me.

I have been trying to get my OpenIndiana system to join a Samba4 domain and
I was running into multiple problems. So I decided to test against a true
Windows Server (2003) domain, to see if there is something wrong with my
client-side setup.

Attempting to join the WS2003 AD domain also fails.  Snooping the network
traffic reveals this:

client: DNS query _ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs.ALLENLAN.NET: type SRV, class IN
DC: no such server

I found this MS link:

Which says, in part:

Allows a client to locate a domain controller (dc) of the domain named by
DnsDomainName . All Windows 2000 Server based domain controllers register
this SRV record."

I am very new to Active Directory setup.  So it is quite likely I have made
a basic configuration error on the WS2003 AD setup.  But true Windows
clients can join the domain successfully.

Any ideas?

Does Samba4 automatically put this SRV record into its internal DNS server?

Thank you.

Lee Allen
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