One other quick point ...

I assume you've got a working LDAP configuration, because your "smb.conf" 
included a reference to not using LDAP ssl.
If you *haven't* already got a working LDAP configuration, you'll need to set 
that up first.  There's plenty of documentation out there on how to do that on 
Linux; make sure you set a bind user which matches the (example) 
"LDAP_access_user" in the "smb.conf" file.  Check that that works with a 
suitable LDAP query command (that'll be in the documentation) before trying to 
get your Samba configuration to work, or you'll get nowhere fast ...

You don't actually need a user like that if you're allowing anonymous LDAP 
binds, but that isn't really recommended (and will doubtless cause loads of 
warnings to be logged in your PDC event log).  "Windows" doesn't particularly 
like non-SSL LDAP queries; it *really* doesn't like *anonymous* non-SSL LDAP 
queries ...

That is, of course, if you decide to go a similar way to the example I sent 
earlier and not some better way anyway :-)

Good luck!


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