I am new to Linux and Samba, but I have resently started experimenting by installing a Mandrake 9.0 on an old PC. I am trying to use this as a file server accessible from my Window 98 SE PC.
So far I have managed to install Samba and the Linux PC is visible in the Windows Network Neighborhood, but files can not be accessed. I think this is a password issue, that I can solve by reading a bit and setting up the right users on the Linux box. i will return if this problem persists.
BUT, The odd thing that is the issue of this mail is, that when I browse on the Linux box to see the files on the Windows PC, I can see the shares, folders and files, but in all filenames and foldernames the first letter is missing!
Obviously I can not access a folder when I click on it, except if I correct the foldername in the browser by adding the missing character.
The browser I am using on the Linux box is the Konqueror browser from the KDE environment in the Mandrake distribution.
I have searched for help on the web without any luck! Does anyone have a clue as to what could be the reason for this?
I have tried "preserve case", "client code age" and "character set" setting and managed to get the Scandinavian letters correct, but this does not alter the fact that the first letter in all names are missing.
Any hint would be appreciated!

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