ssme> If I could change the subject somewhat, I am also not clear on how to 
ssme> SAMBA4 and the DNS server if my network has an existing DNS server on 
ssme> machine and I don't really want to move it. The DNS server is a stock 
ssme> of bind from the distro's repository:
ssme> bind-9.8.2-0.17.rc1.el6_4.4.x86_64

I'd guess the easiest way would be to setup the Samba AD domain as a
subdomain of the existing DNS domain. Say

Then for queries for "" the exiting
DNS server could forward them to the Samba AD running the
Internal_Samba_DNS, and for queries outside
"" the Samba4 AD could send them to
the existing DNS server.

The Samba AD must have it's own DNS, either the Samba_Internal or

[I've not heard of anyone doing a Samba4 setup with DNS completely
external to the Samba4 AD hardware, though perhaps it's possible - but
I'd guess one would be better off partitioning the two - DNS related
to the Samba domain and DNS outside of it.)

HTH - I'm no expert, but that's the way I've seen it done [and done it
myself] and that seems the most straight-forward to my way of thinking.


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