There seems to be a problem with the "sernet-samba-ad" init script, at least on CentOS.

Samba fails to start. The log file shows the following:

[2013/05/15 20:48:37,  0] ../source4/smbd/server.c:369(binary_smbd_main)
  samba version 4.0.5-SerNet-RedHat-1.el6 started.
  Copyright Andrew Tridgell and the Samba Team 1992-2012
[2013/05/15 20:48:38,  0] ../source4/smbd/server.c:475(binary_smbd_main)
  samba: using 'standard' process model
[2013/05/15 20:48:38, 0] ../file_server/file_server.c:47(file_server_smbd_done)
  file_server smbd daemon exited normally
[2013/05/15 20:48:38, 0] ../source4/smbd/service_task.c:35(task_server_terminate)
  task_server_terminate: [smbd child process exited]
[2013/05/15 20:48:38,  0] ../source4/smbd/server.c:210(samba_terminate)
  samba_terminate: smbd child process exited

It looks like smbd starts and immediately exits.

Under /var/run/samba, a process file remains but not a file.

Although samba is not running, the pidfile is left there. As a consequence, on further attempts to start samba using the script, it complains that a pidfile already exists.

When samba is called by other means (/usr/sbin/samba or alternative init scripts) it starts and runs correctly.

I am running 64bit CentOS 6.4.

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