The problem is that I'm descending further into the mire. Can't log on to the PC as local administrator account is disabled, can't log on in safe mode without arriving at the domain login screen, can't seem to find anything on the server side to fix this.

Remembering well why I chose the dark side years ago, and losing the will to live...


On 20/05/13 19:22, Dewayne Geraghty wrote:
Steve, Linda's on the money.

We experience this problem when staff are absent for as little as a week, could 
just be a timing problem.  Though if your PC's and
server has been continuously up, then your PC's may have dropped the location 
of where the server is.  If that is the case, then you
might need to examine either: how your pdc advertises itself, or where you've 
told the PC's to find the WINS server.

Typically an administrator accesses the PC and tells it to rejoin the domain.  
A simple leave and rejoin does the trick.

Regards, Dewayne.

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Linda Walsh
Sent: Monday, 20 May 2013 11:29 AM
To: Chris Rowson; Samba mailing list
Subject: Re: [Samba] Windows 7 + Samba 3.5.6 = abject misery...

Chris Rowson wrote:
On 19 May 2013 23:13, "Steve Holdoway"
<> wrote:
Can anyone help with this? I set it all up a few months
ago, the samba
side being standard upgrades via debian - configured as a
PDC, and the
windows 7 clients being clean installs, with the standard
lanmanworkstation regedits done.

They've been working fine since then, but have now started failing,
instead raising the error message

  'The trust relationship between this work station and the primary
domain has failed'
I had this problem alot until I told my windows computer  to disable
machine account
password changes.   I think it changes them about every 30
days or maybe
less -- but
it would change it's password and the server wouldn't be informed, so
the shared-secret
between the two of them was no longer decipherable.

To be honest, it doesn't sound like the BEST way, or the most
to fix
the problem, BUT, given my windows machine is on a closed
internal net,
practicality trumps imaginary security problems....

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