
On 5/30/2013 8:17 AM, Ricky Nance wrote:
Are you logged in as DOMAIN\Administrator to the windows machine?
My own dumb mistakes, I created a remote desktop connection to that server and hadn't noticed I as logged in as a non admin user.

Now home directories are created as it should and profile directories are too, but with the .V2 extension. I stheis the expected behavior?, I read that this might happoen uf I had mixed Windows clients WXP, Win7 but I just have one client and it's a Win7 one.

Thanks for your advise it really helped. me.


On Thu, May 30, 2013 at 12:16 AM, "David González Herrera - [DGHVoIP]" <i...@dghvoip.com <mailto:i...@dghvoip.com>> wrote:

    On 5/28/2013 6:59 PM, Ricky Nance wrote:
    Odd thing, your mail was from several days ago, but it just came
    through on my stuff today. Lets try a couple of things, try
    changing [users] to [homes] and also adding a line under global:

    template homedir = /home/%ACCOUNTNAME%

    Also, comment out the directory_mode line, restart samba and then
    try setting it in in your active directory users and computers as
    \\\homes\%USERNAME% and see if it works. Also can you
    double check after these changes that your windows user can still
    write to \\\homes as well?
    Done too but now, when I select a group of users and try to change
    their properties the Home and Profile fields to
    \\\homes\%USERNAME% it returns Access is Denied (I
    haven't created any home directory) it usually created the
    directories automatically after the PAM changes and all of your
    suggestions it can't be done anymore, I-m sure it's due to some
    permission thing but I just can't fiure it out myself.

    Thanks for your help.


    On Tue, May 28, 2013 at 6:43 PM, "David González Herrera -
    [DGHVoIP]" <i...@dghvoip.com <mailto:i...@dghvoip.com>> wrote:

        Hi Ricky,

        Thank you very much for your reply, I dropped my subscription
        to the list because no one seems to care about these
        questions in there, then I guess what's that list for if they
        won't answer or at least point people to a link that won't
        take 30secs, well anyways....

        On 5/28/2013 4:44 PM, Ricky Nance wrote:
        First think you should check is to see if winbind is setup
        properly (resolving names in Ubuntu as it should be) if not,
        have a look at
        2 is the important one, section 3 is if you need *nix to
        authenticate using samba).
        Ok, did all of these steps and everything seems to work,
        except that I can't login to the *nix box (ubuntu Serevr
        12.04) using the AD users but system users can, that's good :)

        A quick test would be mkdir /home/test && chown someADuser
        /home/test && ls -alhd /home/test (replace someADuser with
        one of your AD users). If that is working as expected, then
        the user you are logged into windows with may not have
        permissions to write to your Users share, if both of those
        are good, paste your [users] section of your smb.conf and we
        will go from there.
        This worked fine indeed,

        root@samba:~# mkdir /home/test && chown dominic /home/test &&
        ls -alhd /home/test
        drwxr-xr-x 2 MUNDO\dominic root 4.0K May 29 01:34 /home/test

        My smb.conf looks like this:

        root@samba:~# cat /usr/local/samba/etc/smb.conf
        # Global parameters
                workgroup = MUNDO
                realm = mundo.local
                netbios name = SAMBA
                server role = active directory domain controller
                server services = s3fs, rpc, nbt, wrepl, ldap, cldap,
        kdc, drepl, winbind, ntp_signd, kcc, dnsupdate
                template shell  = /bin/bash

                # Debug logging information
                log level       = 4
                log file        = /var/log/samba.log
                max log size    = 50
                debug timestamp = yes
                bind interfaces only = yes
                interfaces      = eth1
                wins support    = yes

                directory_mode: parameter = 0700
                path            = /home
                comment         = Users Home Share
                read only       = no
                browsable       = yes

                path            = /usr/local/samba/var/profiles
                browseable      = no
                read only       = no
                writable        = yes
                store dos attributes = Yes
                directory mask  = 0700
                create mask     = 0600
                printable       = no
                profile acls    = yes
                csc policy      = disable

                path =
                read only = No

                path = /usr/local/samba/var/locks/sysvol
                read only = No

        Thanks again.


        On Mon, May 20, 2013 at 7:50 PM, "David González Herrera -
        [DGHVoIP]" <i...@dghvoip.com <mailto:i...@dghvoip.com>> wrote:

            Hi List,

            I've been using S4 for some time now and I'm deploying
            it on our company, I'm using it as backend auth for many
            of our services, OpenVPN*AS, GroupOffice, Openfire and
            some others and it works like a charm.

            Now I want to tell you what I'm facing, I have a Win7
            running the AD admin. too and I can see everything
            users, groups all, I've created a dozen users and I want
            them to have a home directory but when I try to do that
            from the admin control tools and on the profile tab I
            input \\\Users\%username% and I see no errors
            and the weirdest thing si thatwhen I browse the Users
            share on the server I see the directory, can write to
            it, create directories, files etc; but the directory is
            not created on the physical server which has my head
            spinning, might this be a bug, or something I'm doing wrong.

            Samba Version
            Version 4.1.0pre1-GIT-1a7bd5e

            Linux Version
            root@samba:~# uname -a
            Linux samba 3.5.0-30-generic #51~precise1-Ubuntu SMP Wed
            May 15 08:48:19 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

            Everything was done as per the Samba4 wiki, sorry if
            this has been answered before and if you can please
            refer me to the proper thread so I can see if I can
            solve the issue.

            Thanks for a great project.



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