Hello Blake,

Am 14.06.2013 15:58, schrieb Blake Patton:
> thanks for your reply. There is no wireless on the network. 2
> interface cards. one for the inside of the network, and one for the
> dirty interface (internet).

Then I misunderstood that. But this isn't a problem, because then it's clear, that you don't want to listen Samba on that interface for sure.

interfaces = lo eth0
to your smb.conf and restart Samba (replace eth0 if this isn't your internal NIC). Let Samba listen on all interfaces (+ loopback), you want to serve to.

> This box is set up the same
> as my others ( 9 at this time) although they don't have connectivity
> issues, the internet is always up.

How are the others connected to the internet? Is it the same than the problem-box (one NIC to LAN, one NIC to I-Net)? And is their Internet connection the same (wireless or is it stable and wired)?

> I suspect (guess) it has something to do with dns,...

If the clients can still resolve their own domain stuff, it should work. You can configure the problem-box to forward DNS requests to one of your working hosts. Then exclude this.

> ... but why would the server disappear from
> network neighborhood, or in Win 7 the network.

What version of Samba do you run? If 4, do you run it in AD mode or NT4-style? Samba 4 in AD mode, doesn't have Netbios browsing (network neighbourhood) yet:

> There is no NetBIOS browsing support (network neighbourhood)
> available for the AD domain controller. (Support in nmbd and smbd for
> classic domains and member/standalone servers is unchanged).

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