After lots of google-ing, reading the mailinglists, im lost. 
i want to do the following. 
1) keep my existing windows 2008 domain.  ( contains dhcp + dns + AD ) 
    its a clean domain, no users yet. dhcp+dns is used already. 
2) add samba4 to the windows domain dc as  secondairy DC. 
    ( this server wil be my zarafa mail server ) 
3) add samba3/4 servers tot this domain als domain members.  ( i know this for 
samba3 ) 
4) for my remote location i also want to add samba4 servers, which wil get 
there own share for profiles. 
    ( this i know ) 
my old environment is running samba3 +Ldap. 
I do not need the old info with clasic upgrade, because some pc's have same 
sid's, and im setting this up for windows 7 pc's.
Question here is, do i need the registry fixes for windows 7, if my windows 
2008 DC if domain controller.
I know my way with bind ntp etc. 
Can someone give me some good pointers howto setup this, would be great. 
Im going to use the sernet packages on ubuntu 12.04 LTS ( or debian wheezy ) 
Best regards, 
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