Next time its unresponsive, try hitting it with \\ and see if
its browsable, also get the output of netstat -anp | grep "samba\|smbd"  as
well as tail -n 50 /usr/local/samba/var/log.samba and tail -n 50
usr/local/samba/var/log.smbd (adjust the path as needed), also I am
interested if top has anything to say about samba or smbd (as for processor
and memory usage).


On Fri, Sep 6, 2013 at 12:12 PM, Kevin Field <> wrote:

> Yep, that's exactly it.  Thanks!
> Kev
> On 2013-09-06 10:16 AM, Ricky Nance wrote:
>> Have you disabled syslinux? That is what that change looks like to me.
>> Ricky
>> On Thu, Sep 5, 2013 at 3:26 PM, Kevin Field <
>> <>> wrote:
>>     I just noticed something interesting, since I have /etc under
>>     version control: /etc/mtab changed thusly:
>>     -tmpfs /dev/shm tmpfs
>>     rw,rootcontext="system_u:__**object_r:tmpfs_t:s0" 0 0
>>     +tmpfs /dev/shm tmpfs rw 0 0
>>     Does this mean anything to our troubleshooting?
>>     Thanks,
>>     Kev
>>     On 2013-09-04 2:02 PM, Kevin Field wrote:
>>         Yeah, it's still
>>         tmpfs                 5.9G     0  5.9G   0% /dev/shm
>>         The really odd thing is, currently, it's telling me this if I try
>> to
>>         access it from OLDDC, running Windows Server 2003.  But if I
>>         remote into
>>         another computer (GEYSER) on the network that's running Windows
>>         XP, I
>>         can access \\NEWDC just fine.  Back to OLDDC and it still
>>         doesn't work.
>>         Besides the OS I noticed another difference, running "echo
>>         %logonserver%" from GEYSER, it reports \\G5, whereas running that
>> on
>>         OLDDC reports \\OLDDC.  I know this is normal behaviour, but I
>>         wonder if
>>         it has anything to do with it.  I also wonder if, if I leave
>>         logged in long enough, I'll have the same result on it as I do
>>         on OLDDC.
>>         So nobody else is having this browsability problem, eh?
>>         Kev
>>         On 2013-08-24 1:41 PM, Kevin Field wrote:
>>    hasn't been long enough since a restart yet,
>>             because it's not
>>             doing it ATM, but nonetheless if it's a question of an extra
>>             45 mb I
>>             think we have it covered:
>>             tmpfs                 5.9G     0  5.9G   0% /dev/shm
>>             But I'll check anyway next opportunity and report back if
>> it's a
>>             positive.
>>             Kev
>>             On 2013-08-24 11:51 AM, Ricky Nance wrote:
>>                 I wonder if your hitting the /run/lock fill up that
>>                 another user
>>                 reported on a week or two ago (they are using ubuntu). I
>>                 think the
>>                 solution was to make that tmpfs partition bigger (like
>>                 50 mb instead of
>>                 5 mb). next time it is unresponsive check and see what
>>                 the output of 'df
>>                 -h' is.
>>                 Ricky
>>                 On Sat, Aug 24, 2013 at 10:02 AM, Kevin Field
>>                 < <>
>>                 < <>>>
>>                 wrote:
>>                      I've upgraded to 4.0.9 and this behaviour persists.
>>                      Should I file a bug report, do you think? �Is
>>                 nobody else
>>                      experiencing this?
>>                      Thanks,
>>                      Kev
>>                      On 2013-08-20 11:40 AM, Kristofer Pettijohn wrote:
>>                          You may want to see if it is this bug, which is
>>                 fixed in 4.0.9:
>> <**show_bug.cgi?id=9820<>
>> >
>> <**show_bug.cgi?id=9820<>
>> <**show_bug.cgi?id=9820<>
>> >>
>>                 ------------------------------**
>> ____--------------------------**--__--__------------
>>                          *From: *"Kevin Field" <
>>                 <>
>>                 < <>>>
>>                          *To: *
>>                 <>
>>                 <
>>                 <>**>
>>                          *Sent: *Tuesday, August 20, 2013 9:38:32 AM
>>                          *Subject: *[Samba] AD DC eventually not
>>                 browsable without
>>                 restart
>>                          I have a SerNet Samba 4.0.8 AD DC running on
>>                 CentOS 6.4 (newdc)
>>                          replicating from a W2K3 DC (olddc). �When I
>>                 first launch Samba
>>                 using
>>                          `sudo samba`, I can go to the Windows server
>>                 and browse to
>>                          \\newdc in
>>                          Explorer, and I see mytestshare, netlogon,
>>                 printers, sysvol, and
>>                          "Printers and Faxes".
>>                          After a while (I'm not sure how long precisely,
>>                 but under 24
>>                          hours) I
>>                          could not navigate to \\newdc without the
>>                 following error:
>>                          ---------------------------
>>                          \\newdc
>>                          ---------------------------
>>                          \\newdc is not accessible. You might not have
>>                 permission to
>>                 use this
>>                          network resource. Contact the administrator of
>>                 this server to
>>                          find out
>>                          if you have access permissions.
>>                          The Server service is not started.
>>                          ---------------------------
>>                          OK
>>                          ---------------------------
>>                          But in the interim, I had not been doing
>>                 anything in the system,
>>                          so I'm
>>                          not sure what might have caused it. �One time
>>                 it even happened
>>                 on a
>>                          weekend when no backup or anything particularly
>>                 special is
>>                 scheduled
>>                          while I was away.
>>                          Anyway, running `sudo killall samba` and then
>>                 `sudo samba`
>>                 makes it
>>                          suddenly browsable again.
>>                          This is happening every day. �I guess it would
>>                 be best to figure
>>                          this
>>                          problem out before we make Samba the only DC.
>>                          Here's my smb.conf, mostly set up by
>>                 samba-tool, and now a
>>                 work in
>>                          progress to add the extras we will use:
>>                          # Global parameters
>>                          [global]
>>                          � � � � � workgroup = MYDOMAIN
>>                          � � � � � realm = mydomain.lan
>>                          � � � � � netbios name = NEWDC
>>                          � � � � � server role = active directory domain
>>                 controller
>>                          � � � � � server services = rpc, nbt, wrepl,
>>                 ldap, cldap, kdc,
>>                          drepl,
>>                          winbind, ntp_signd, kcc, dnsupdate, smb, dns
>>                          � � � � � allow dns updates = true
>>                          � � � � � dns forwarder =
>>                          # � � � �dns recursive queries = yes
>>                          � � � � � dcerpc endpoint servers = epmapper,
>>                 wkssvc, rpcecho,
>>                 samr,
>>                          netlogon, lsarpc, spoolss, drsuapi, dssetup,
>>                 unixinfo, browser,
>>                          eventlog6, backupkey, dnsserver, winreg, srvsvc
>>                          # � � � dcerpc endpoint servers = winreg srvsvc
>>                          � � � � � load printers = yes
>>                          � � � � � printing = cups
>>                          [netlogon]
>>                          � � � � � path =
>>                 /var/lib/samba/sysvol/____**mydomain.lan/scripts
>>                          � � � � � read only = No
>>                          [sysvol]
>>                          � � � � � path = /var/lib/samba/sysvol
>>                          � � � � � read only = No
>>                          [printers]
>>                          � � � �comment = All Printers
>>                          � � � �path = /var/spool/samba
>>                          � � � �browseable = Yes
>>                          � � � �read only = No
>>                          � � � �printable = Yes
>>                          [print$]
>>                          � � � �comment = Point and Print Printer Drivers
>>                          � � � �path = /var/lib/samba/printing
>>                          � � � �read only = No
>>                          [mytestshare]
>>                          � � � � � path = /srv/mytestshare/
>>                          � � � � � read only = No
>>                          Any ideas?
>>                          Thanks,
>>                          Kev
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