On Tue, 2013-10-01 at 15:48 +1100, m...@electronico.nc wrote:
> Hi again,
> Thanks again, Denis, Steve and Rowland for your previous answers about 
> RFC2307 and winbind.
> Maybe I'm an dreamer but here is that I wanted to achieve :
> Ubuntu server 12.04.3, samba4 as PDC, several NICS : 1 LAN and 2/3 WANS
> Use a windows VM (on this server) to control AD through WRAT
> AD offers me the 'wishdom' of software deployment and GPO, users are 
> can't install anything
> All standard Linux services (apache, postfix, dovecot, pptp, mysql, 
> webmail, ...) can query AD
> What is done :
> I have setup 'folder redirection' in WRAT, so users 'documents' and 
> 'desktop' are avalaible offline and mapped to home/%U on server
> AD Administrator has a roaming profile
> Searched a lot and succeed to deploy Office, Acrobat reader, Skype, 
> 7-zip, Firefox to users (windows is another world...)
> Shares are mounted (depending on AD 'ou' rights) on user's pc
> Administrator can login via UltraVNC to all workstation
> What needs to be done:
> Linux services to auth to AD
>  From what I've read, sssd is the more secure solution to achieve this, 
> but ...
> Using sssd 1.11.1 : files configuration:
> 1)
> > sudo cat /etc/sssd/sssd.conf
> > [sssd]
> > services = nss, pam
> > config_file_version = 2
> > domains = radiodjiido.nc
> > [nss]
> > [pam]
> > [domain/radiodjiido.nc]
> > dyndns_update = false
> > ad_hostname = serveur.radiodjiido.nc
> > ad_server = serveur.radiodjiido.nc
> > ad_domain = radiodjiido.nc
> > ldap_schema = ad
> > id_provider = ad
> > access_provider = simple
> > enumerate = true
> > cache_credentials = true
> > auth_provider = krb5
> > chpass_provider = krb5
> > krb5_realm = RADIODJIIDO.NC
> > krb5_server = serveur.radiodjiido.nc
> > krb5_kpasswd = serveur.radiodjiido.nc
> > #next line only lists users with uidNumber/gidNumber entered via ldbedit
> > ldap_id_mapping = false
> > ldap_referrals = false
> > ldap_uri = ldap://serveur.radiodjiido.nc
> > ldap_search_base = dc=radiodjiido,dc=nc
> > ldap_user_object_class = user
> > ldap_user_name = samAccountName
> > ldap_user_uid_number = uidNumber
> > ldap_user_gid_number = gidNumber
> > ldap_user_home_directory = unixHomeDirectory
> > ldap_user_shell = loginShell
> > ldap_group_object_class = group
> > ldap_group_search_base = dc=radiodjiido,dc=nc
> > ldap_group_name = cn
> > ldap_group_member = member
> > ldap_sasl_mech = gssapi
> > #ldap_sasl_authid = serveur$
> > ldap_sasl_authid = serveur$@RADIODJIIDO.NC
> > krb5_keytab = /etc/krb5.sssd.keytab
> > ldap_krb5_init_creds = true

It looks as though the ad backend is broken in 1.11.1. At least I can't
get it going with a similar sssd.conf:

I rolled back to 1.10.0 and it's fine.

Re: your question.
If you can get away without having Linux clients in the domain, then
yes, you can forget sssd entirely.

HTH and good luck,

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