After some minutes the problem exists again! :(
I' can't login anymore as an domain user and i can't join other clients to the
Samba4 domain.
After restart the Server it looks like it works again, but some minutes later
i ran into the same problems.

What goes wrong?

Am 13.10.2013 14:27, schrieb X-Dimension:
I have fixed this problem by changing the following line in /etc/krb5.conf


dns_lookup_realm = false


dns_lookup_realm = true

Why must i change this line?
When provisioning Samba4 the first time krb5.conf is generated automatically with the option "dns_lookup_realm = false".

Am 14.09.2013 23:28, schrieb X-Dimension:

I've installed Samba4 like described here on Ubuntu 12.04.3

DNS with BIND_DLZ backend seems to work and i can add DNS records without a problem with Microsoft RSAT.

When i try kinit on the server i get the following:

root@PDC:~# kinit administrator
Password for administra...@mydomain.lan:

-> Works fine

root@PDC:~# kinit administra...@mydomain.lan
Password for administra...@mydomain.lan:

-> Works fine

root@PDC:~# kinit administra...@mydomain.lan
Password for administra...@mydomain.lan:
kinit: KDC reply did not match expectations while getting initial credentials

-> Don't work

When i try to join a Windows 7 Professional client to my domain, i get this:

1. Joining as user "administrator" to domain "mydomain" or "MYDOMAIN" or "mydomain.lan" or "MYDOMAIN.LAN"
 -> wrong username or password

2.   Joining as user "administrator@mydomain" to domain "mydomain"
 -> works fine
But after a reboot i can't login as "administrator@mydomain" and i get wrong username and password

My krb5.conf looks like this:

        default_realm = MYDOMAIN.LAN
        dns_lookup_realm = false
        dns_lookup_kdc = true

What goes wrong here?

Thanks for help!

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