How were you examing the file size?  If you look at the properties of a
file in Explorer, you see a file size (in Brackets) as well as a confusing
number of "bytes used".  The bytes used will depend on the block size, as
it is supposed to report the bytes of hard drive storage used to store the
file, and will probably be innacurate when reporting the amount of space
used on the samba share.  The number of bytes in the brackets, however,
should not change, and is not rounded.

On Wed, 22 Jan 2003, Jim C wrote:

hmmm... Well I do remember once uploading a file to my Linux server
(without samba) and seeing a change in the file size.  Downloading the
file back onto the Windows box put the file size right back where it
was, so you can see how one might believe this.  Needless to say I was
completley baffled.  I could still use the file and there seemed no
other changes other than that on this box it was one size and another
size on that box.  I also remember consulting a professional about it
and what I was told was that Windoze does rounding.  Of course it could
be the difference between Windoz 95 / 98 /98 2nd Ed  / 2K / XP as I do
not remember the exact OS and truthfully the Professional I consulted
was... well... a "Linux extremist" a.k.a. "Penguin Nazi". ;-)

I leave it to the reader to draw further conclusions in regards to the
file size issue.

Rashkae wrote:
> Umm, no, M$ file size reporting is to the byte and perfect accurate.
> ____________________________________________
> Jan 22  9:27pm
> They hang the man and flog the woman
> That steal the goose from off the common,
> But let the greater villain loose
> That steals the common from the goose.
>   --English folk poem, circa 1764
> On Wed, 22 Jan 2003, Jim wrote:
> Also it is my understanding that M$ filesize reporting is inaccurate.
>>If I copy a file locally from a samba mount and download the same file via
>>FTP the file sizes are different.  The FTP file is correct where as the
>>copied file is an incorrect format.  Although I can't see a physical
>>difference, after writing to tape you can see that each record is shifted a
>>space.  Is there any setting to control the data conversion across a samba

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