I've never worked with SuSE, but does "locate DIAGNOSIS.txt" file turn
up anything?  It's a very good start.

> a: I have modifed the samba sonfi file at 
> /etc/samba/smb.config to include
> my workgroup called MJB but could not see any other changes needed (or
> don't understand what else to change..)

Did you give your samba machine a netbios name?
I guess in your case you'd pick something like "netbios name =

> c: with smbclient -L LAPTOP3       (LAPTOP3 is a laptop in 
> the work group
> with Win 98 on it) I can enter its password and see its shares (NT
> computers can not be accessed with their passwords though, but they do
> allow a password attempt to be made).

Can't help you here.
> e: I try to start SAMBA using smbd -D and then nmbd -D (or 
> rcsmb start,
> which I assume is some sort of script delivered with the 
> Linux installation
> to do this simpler - instructed in the user's handbook). 
> There is a message
> to say that things have been started.

Does a "ps ax|grep [sn]mbd" return anything?
This will list running processes name smbd or nmbd.  If there's nothing
returned, then the processes are dieing.

Does a "netstat -tln|grep ':139 '" return anything?
This lists -t (tcp) -l (listening) -n (number ports), and shows any
listening on that port.

> e: From Windows PCs I can not find the Linux PC in the network (it is
> called Webserver in the hope that it will one day really be 
> be able to run
> a web server..).
> I get the impression that there is no difference before or 
> after starting
> Samba (assuming that I have really started it).

Between ps and netstat, you should be able to find out if it stays
> I have sifted through FAQs and other help docs but can't seem to find
> anything to steer me past this first hurdle.


> PS I originally tried editing the config file from the 
> console (with root
> password) by simply typing "edit smb.conf". An editor stared 
> as well, but I
> don't know how to use it and also not how to close it ! I have now a
> console open in editor mode which I can not manage to 
> closed.. stupid eh
> ?....

This is probably either vi or emacs.  If a Ctrl-x does not seem to do
much except beep, it's vi.  If it's vi, press escape a few times to get
back to command mode (after a beep you're good), enter :w to write your
changes (if you want to save the file) and then :q to quit.  :q! quits
without saving changes.  If Ctrl-x doesn't beep at you it is probably
emacs, after you pressed Ctrl-x press Ctrl-c to quit.  You be prompted
about saving changes, etc.

You should look at editors and pick one that sounds like it's for you.
Learn it.  Until you do (and even after), consider using SWAT to manage
your smb.conf file.

~ Daniel


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