On Fri, 2003-01-24 at 16:15, Igor Debacker wrote:
> i'm tryin to make a suse-linux box to log into an windows 2k
> server....
> i trying.. using winbind.. coz i don't know other way...
> i took a look at samba.org home page.. and i readed a how to which
> explains what to do.. but 2 of the '.so' files which i need to set at
> /etc/pam.d/login .. does not exists..
> pam_stack.so
> pam_console.so
your distribution doesn't use those - don't worry about it...
be sure you understand pam before you start messing about with it...
pam is  great way to lock yourself out of your machine.

> ps. i just sent this mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] how can i subscribe to
> read the answers and other guys questions ?
look at the list options at samba.org
Bradley W. Langhorst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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