Excuse the double post. The previous wasnt wrapped nicely

Is there any way to prevent user "billyg" from logging onto a samba pdc
more then once?

Or perhaps is there a better way of dealing with the following scenario:

Consider this, "billyg" logs onto the domain in the morning, creates
volumns of work, then decides he needs to scan a picture
+ so then logs onto the machine with the scanner, meanwhile, his
computer obiediantly follows instructions given to it by the
+ befuddled system administrator and automatically logs "billyg" off
after N minutes of inactivity (by means of winexit.scr).
+ After "billyg" has completed his scanning he logs off, returns to his
[primary] workstation and naturally logs back into it
+, only to find out HE HAS LOST ALL OF HIS MOST RECENT WORK. oh the

Alternatively, he scans his picture, saves it to My\ Documents and logs
off before N minutes has passed. He returns to his [p
+rimary] workstation, finishes up his work and logs off before leaving.
The next morning "billyg" wants to set his recently s
+canned picture of Nuffles, his pet hamster, as his background image. He
double-clicks My\ Documents only to find out HE HAS 

This was my experiance while testing logons with roaming profiles.

It would seem though, if roaming profiles could be used for the initial
logon, and subsequent logons used a local cached prof
+ile then [important] data would not overwritten like in the first-part
scenario. The plus side is that there is a default me
+ssage explaining to the user that they could not connect to the roaming
profile and that a local copy will be used instead. 
If this were to happen "billyg" would instinctively save Nuffles.jpg to
his "home" drive.

Why not use the "home" drive for all data? "billyg" has a laptop, and
using roaming profiles is a very easy way to get his cu
+rrent projects onto the server for backup and synchronizing.

I am dealing with the combined inherent weaknesses of both the software
and my users.
At least the software I can reconfigure.

Any suggestions?

Darius Xerxes Desiderio
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