i would bet anything someone's already asked and had this answered, but since the archives of these listss aren't searchable, and since i couldn't find the info in the docs or elsewhere on net, here goes:

i've got 3 shares active on a debian box, accessing them fine from an OS X g4 and 2 win 98 boxes
(the were set up and configured via the samba web admin tool from a browser when using gnome)
(os X is 10.2.1)

when i access dirs on those shares from the PC's, there's no problem, read, write all good.

but from the mac, 2 important yuk things happen -

1. the cmd-option-arrow or opt-arrow keystrokes normally used in the os X finder don't work in those folders that are in the share

2. after closing folders and their subfolders, then closing windows, i come back to that folder right away or after other operations, and the folders and subfolders i closed are open as before. v. odd

any pointers much appreciated!

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