I'd like to use rsync as a way to back up Windows devices on a network, pulling data off of the Windows boxes and putting it onto a Samba share. Is this even possible? I suspect I either need some sort of rsync implementation on Windows (ha!) or I need to have Samba know to "reach into" the boxes and get the info for rsync-ing. Doable? A fool's errand?
I'd recommend installing rsync (http://optics.ph.unimelb.edu.au/help/rsync/rsync_pc1.html) on the windows machines, installing PuTTY (http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/), creating ssh keys for the windows machines to log into the BSD box, and make a scheduled task on the windows machines that'll fire off and rsync to the BSD box. No samba involved.

The naive might consider sharing out the relevant directories on the Windows machine, mounting them on the BSD machine, and then rsyncing "locally." Unfortunately that involves pulling all of the files over the network and so rsync gains you nothing.

If you wish, you could install a full cygwin environment, including an ssh server, install rsync into that (http://optics.ph.unimelb.edu.au/help/rsync/), and have the BSD box do the "reaching out" via a cron job.

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