
I have just installed Samba 2.2.7 on a solaris 8 system (Sun ultra 10)

and all seems to be OK, SWAT works and tells me that smbd is running as well as nmbd.

My NT workstation also has found "something" on the net but as soon as I double click 

the link, it states that the network path is not found.

If I ask for status, both deamons are running but that's it.

No shares or connections active, no open files.....

Below the cmb.conf...



# Samba config file created using SWAT
# from localhost (
# Date: 2003/02/24 17:02:31

# Global parameters
        workgroup = ASML
        netbios name = WSDLE003
        server string = Samba %v on %L
        os level = 0

        comment = testing
        path = /scratch
        guest account =
        read only = No
        guest ok = Yes
        volume = test-share

         /   Antoine Loock             De Run 1110          /
        /   DemoLab Europe            5503 LA  VELDHOVEN   /
       /   ASM Lithography           The Netherlands      /
      /                                                  /
     /           Room:    4C0011                        /
    /            Phone:   (+31)-(0)40-2683434          /
   /             fax:     (+31)-(0)40-2684992         /
  /                                                  /

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