Al Bean schrieb:
Hi Kurt,

I set "socket options" to the default by removing it and I set case case sensitive = No. But that did not help or change the log output.

I also changed the NICs in both boxes just to see if that was the problem but that did not help.


I'm wondering, can sombody tell me how long it should take to transfer a 10MB file from win2k (1.5GHz Pentium4, 100 BaseT NIC) to a Linux share (400MHz Pentium2, 100 BaseT Nic) where the two boxes are connected by a 100 BaseT switch?

Also, (if possible) could sombody post thier smb.conf where they are using a Linux box as a simple file server in a Windows environment (where the linux box is NOT a PDC)?
That would really help to see if I'm doing something wrong.

hi again.
u always can configure a smb to PDC, u do not have to use this features. - if u access with w2k *without* joining the domain, it's functional at all. - but i'll send u an example look down.

the speed, how a 10mb file is copied through a lan differs extremly with hardware. - if u want to check your hardware/infrastructure, try following:

on linux/(unix):
ifconfig gives information about lost packets. e.g. 'ifconfig eth0'
if u want to stress the connection use:
'ping -fs 10000' - abort with 'Ctrl+C'
then u see, how many packets are lost.

if u have a stable connection, u should find something like this in your output:
RX packets:5857030 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:8054607 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
2670 packets transmitted, 2670 received, 0% loss, time 7096ms

can u check, if your network is running stable?

i found two little lines, i would ask, if u need them?
>>> remote announce =
>>> remote browse sync =
as i look into man smb.conf i don't think so (192.168.0 is your main segment?)

now here's an (minimal) smb.conf 4 w2k, without joining a domain.

   server string = <your server comment>
   workgroup = <your workgroup>
   guest account = nobody
   keep alive = 30
   os level = 65
   security = users
# u can also use share without user,
#or domain if u have a PDC - butt refer HOWTO...
   encrypt passwords = yes # need 4 w2k - create user with smbpasswd...
   netbios name = <your servername>

#   printing = lprng
   printing = cups # depends on your printing system.
   printcap name = /etc/printcap
   load printers = yes
#   socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_SNDBUF=16348 SO_RCVBUF=16348
   map to guest = Bad User
   local master = yes
   wins support = no
   domain logons = no
   domain master = no

   #maybe this will help with different programm problems...
   dos filetime resolution = yes
   dos filetimes = yes

   comment = Linux CD-ROM
   path = /mnt/cdrom
   read only = yes
   locking = no

   comment = Linux CD-ROM
   path = /mnt/floppy
   read only = no
   locking = no

   comment = All Printers
   browseable = no
   printable = yes
   public = yes
   read only = no
   create mode = 0666
   path = /tmp

  comment = share fuer testzwecke
  writable = yes
  path = /netzwerk/windows/test
  create mode = 0661
  directory mode = 2771
  force user = nobody

have a lot of fun

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