running samba 2.2.7a (emerged in gentoo) on the client..
server is running samba  version 2.0.X

from my client, I run
 mount -t smbfs -o workgroup=mygroup,ip=,username=$USER,uid=$ID,gid=$ID2
//smbserver/$USER /home/$USER/

and everything works great.. I do an ls in that /home/$USER dir
and the filenames are fine.. EXCEPT for files that have a :
in them. For example

zim .vnc # ls
RTP-C~10.LOG  RTP-C~AB.LOG  longfilenamethatisnottruncated.txt  xstartup
RTP-C~10.PID  RTP-C~AB.PID  passwd
zim .vnc #
the files with RTP-bla.* have ":" in the filename and show up truncated.

if I rename a truncated file to something without ":" in it.
the long filename works fine. Any ideas how to make long filenames with
":" in then not get truncated?


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