Hi all

I noticed a pretty strange behaviour regarding file permissions that sometimes change without any reason. I need to share the following two directories:

   /home/public (owner=root, group=root, perms=0777)
   /home/users (owner=root, group=users, perms=0770)

the /home directory is owned by root, the group is root and permissions are set in this way: 0755.
The above dirs are shared using these instructions in smb.conf:

   comment = Folder for group [%g]
   path = /home/%g
   guest ok = no
   public = no
   browseable = yes
   writable = yes
   create mask = 0660
   directory mask = 0770

   comment = Public folder
   path = /home/public
   guest ok = no
   public = no
   browseable = yes
   writable = yes
   create mask = 0666
   directory mask = 0777

When a member of group "users" connects to the [public] or [grp] share and interacts with them by creating dirs and/or files, something strange happens because file permissions change to:

   /home/public (owner=root, group=root, perms=0755)
   /home/users (owner=root, group=users, perms=0750)

In a short words, the write flag disappears. As a result, the next time that a user logs in or interacts with shares, he won't be able to write files, create dirs, rename them and so on.
I tried to shut down and restart samba to discover if that change is caused by the deamon itself and not by the use of the shares but I observed that restarting doesn't change file perms. Does anybody know the solution?

Thanks :-)

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