You might make this work with just:

guest account = nobody

in [global]

You could use other users like root (not very secure but it all depends
on your needs) or any regular user you have defined on this server.


On Sun, Mar 30, 2003 at 10:59:05AM +0200, julius wrote:
> hi
> have problems to get an samba server up that offers shares for all 
> without a password
> heres my smb.conf file located under /usr/local/samba/lib/smb.conf
> [global]
> netbios name = DEATHB
> server string = Samba pv on (pL)
> workgroup = LANSTRIKE
> encrypt passwords = yes
> security = share
> [homes]
> browseable = no
> [mp3]
> comment = lmh
> path = /var/glftpd/site/mp3/lame.r3mix/
> browseable = yes
> read only = yes
> guest ok = yes
> has anybody an idea ?
> -- 
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