
I've recently noticed that when I have a directory remotely mounted via samba to my linux desktop, the mode bits of directories and files in it don't necessarily resemble those of the actual files on the server. Neither does a chmod seem to have any effect.

I noticed that smbmount has a fmask and a dmask argument and these arguments control what I view the mode as. Leaving out these arguments just gets me a different mask.

Question: How can I get my mounted directory to simply behave just like any other directory? I just want to be able to view and modify the REAL mode bits from my konsole.

client - Mandrake Linux 9.1, smbmount version 2.2.7a, smbclient version 2.2.7a
server - RH 7.3, smbd version 2.2.3a

mount command:
smbmount //ENGSWDEV/derosier /home/derosier/mnt/ENGSWDEV/derosier/ -o username=derosier%*********,fmask=644,dmask=755,uid=501,gid=501,

Note->I know I'm running an old version of smbd on the server. Please don't tell me "you need to upgrade" unless it actually makes a difference in the problem I'm having; there are too many people here that can't afford the outage with the time it will take to do an upgrade.

- Steve

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