Hi again,

A.A wrote:
Hi Thomas,
 As i wrote that's still the old Version:
/usr/local/samba-2.2.8a/bin/smbstatus --> samba version 2.2.7a-SUSE
When i type "Which smbstatus" i get /usr/bin /smbstatus

this looks like a standard installation of SuSE.

I dont know what you mean with : For startup the samba processes you should change your Startscript in "/etc/init.d/samba" where the other version is still started.

Sorry,what should i do with /init.d/samba ?

under /etc/init.d are all system startscripts on SuSE Distributions. So change the path of the both daemons smbd and nmbd. At the moment there are pathes like


you should change it into


and all other processes in that startscript - winbind is daemon which is started, too. I attachted my samba startscript for you.
I changed the PATH variable which has the same effect.

- Thomas

PATH=/usr/local/samba-2.2.8a/sbin:$PATH export PATH

# The echo return value for success (defined in /etc/rc.config).
case "$1" in
        echo -n "Starting SMB services..."
        nmbd -D
        smbd -D
        echo -e "$return"
        echo -n "Shutting down SMB services."
        killproc -TERM winbindd
        killproc -TERM nmbd
        killproc -TERM smbd
        sleep 2
        killproc -TERM nmbd
        echo -e "$return"
        echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop}"
        exit 1

# Inform the caller not only verbosely and set an exit status.
test "$return" = "$rc_done" || exit 1
exit 0

Thanks henry


please try


Might be, you have a standard installation on your system.

"which smbstatus"

and you will see which prgram are in your default path ($PATH variable)

For startup the samba processes you should change your Startscript in
"/etc/init.d/samba" where the other version is still started.

- Thomas

A.A wrote:


first of all i am Samba beginner! I have this problem :

Samba-2.2.7a is just runing on my Linux Server. I will now install the new
Version of samba-2.2.28a

When i do ./configure, make and make-> install->smbstatus I see that there
is still old Version runing and not


My old samba is installed in /etc/samba

and the new vesion is downloaded and installed ( i hope) in

thnks for your reply


Thomas Wild

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-- Thomas Wild

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