
Suggest you contact SCO for support. Your system does not have the
development system installed. That means you have no compiler. If all else
fails contact Ron Record <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.

- John T.

On Sat, 31 May 2003, Jose Lerebours wrote:

> This is the very first time I ever tried to compile anything since
> college.
> I'm using SCO 5.0.5.
> I installed GNU gcc and the Linker package(s) from my SCO dist disc.
> After running ./configure --with-smbwrapper, I can't find  `make` to
> continue and compile ...
> My book, Using Samba (O'Reilly), says that `make` and then `make install`
> should be my next step.  It also mentions that `make` should be executed
> while within the <source> directory.
> I can't find `make` any where in my system.  Should it have been created
> by `configure` or must it be installed?
> Thank you all in advance for your prompt assistance!
> --
> Jose D Lerebours
> filePro Programmer Since 1989!
> IFMS - A Fully Integrated Application
> Integrated Floor Covering Management System
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