Hello All,

Samba 2.2.5 / AIX 5.1  -  NO ERRORS in any logs
Can map shares and even correct authentication / user ID mappings work from all WIN2K 
domain clients using a URL or share mapping utilities.

Samba member is not populated / seen in Network Neighborhood

but "nmblookup -M -" ,querying MSBROWSE fails with "failed to find name __MSBROWSE__#01
and if I try to query with nmblookup the Samba server Name / IP address it also fails 
to find either.

Any suggestions on what further steps will point to a problem and ultimately a 
solution.  The only thing I can think of is to disjoin the domain and rejoin with 
"smbpasswd -j DOMAIN . . ."

Please help and Thank You for any help given.

Kirk Shimek Information Systems
Systems Engineer - UNIX Administrator
TRW Automotive
507-457-3750 ext.8241
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<DIV>Hello All,</DIV>
<DIV>Samba 2.2.5 / AIX 5.1&nbsp; -&nbsp; NO ERRORS in any logs</DIV>
<DIV>Can map shares and even correct authentication / user ID mappings work from 
all WIN2K domain clients using a URL or share mapping utilities.</DIV>
<DIV>Samba member is not populated / seen in Network Neighborhood</DIV>
<DIV>but "nmblookup -M -" ,querying MSBROWSE fails with "failed to find name 
<DIV>and if I try to query with nmblookup the Samba server Name / IP address it 
also fails to find either.</DIV>
<DIV>Any suggestions on what further&nbsp;steps will point to a problem and 
ultimately a solution.&nbsp; The only thing I can think of is to disjoin the 
domain and rejoin with "smbpasswd -j DOMAIN . . ."</DIV>
<DIV>Please help&nbsp;and Thank You for any help given.</DIV>
<DIV><BR>Kirk Shimek Information Systems<BR>Systems Engineer - UNIX 
Administrator<BR>TRW Automotive<BR>507-457-3750 ext.8241<BR><A 
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