Re: web client service, I had a client (XP Pro on 40 desktops, Redhat
8.0, Samba 2.2.6?? cannot quite remember)earlier this year who was
experiencing mapped drives timing out, poor performance in file copying
etc. At the time I had recalled reading a recent post in
comp.protocols.smb  where another person was
having simmilar issues. Another poster had suggested turning off the web
client service in XP and it cleared up all the issues. I did the same
for my client and needless to say it cured his computer woes.

I do not have a lot of info on what the Web client service actually
does. Here is a web site expalaining how web services work in office XP prepare for a healthy dose of propagand when reading it

-----Original Message-----
From: Justin Kreger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2003 9:56 PM
Subject: RE: [Samba] WinXP can`t log on Samba PDC

On Thu, 2003-06-19 at 00:32, Mark wrote:
> >From the actual reg file itself
> This registry key is needed for a Windows XP Client to join and logon
> a Samba domain.

I felt like a dummy when I opened up that file and looked at it.

> Keep in mind that if you are using Samba in a workgroup setting, the 
> patch is not needed. Also the patch is only good for XP Pro....XP does

> not support domain logins.
Yeah, I hate that some users have home, I'm itching to move everybody to
a domain.. I figure even though I hate windows, I might as well use it's
best features.

> As far as XP timing out or disconnecting, do you mean the actual
> drives timeout and lose connection.?? One thing my I have found that 
> helps eleviate this particular issue is to turn off the web client 
> service if you do not use it.
Web Client Service?  What is that?

Keep in mind, I've been slowly going to Linux over the last 7 years, and
I don't have a windows box to my name, I only have to support XP because
ppl like it where I work :(   I think I need to start hinting with all
the Redhat 9 Demo Cds I have in my appartment.

> Now with XP loginng in with the admin password, I am not sure about
> one. It will probably get fixed in service pack 12 :-). Seriously
> some one else knows.

Geee... I have a strange feeling its some stupid setting that the
"windows" admin has been setting laptops up with, I finally had her
fedex me a laptop that she had just setup so I can check inter-op

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