On Fri, 20 Jun 2003, Mark Roach wrote:

> On Fri, 2003-06-20 at 15:38, John H Terpstra wrote:
> > On Fri, 20 Jun 2003, Jonathan Johnson wrote:
> >
> > > OK, I don't have a strong understanding of oplocks, but I'm sure someone
> > > will correct me where I go wrong.
> >
> > Those interested in the whole OpLock story might benefit from reading
> > chapter 14 'File and Record Locking" of:
> >
> > http://samba.org/~jht/NT4migration/Samba-HOWTO-Collection.html
> >
> > From this coverage it should be obvious that file locking affects a
> > complex interaction of Client and Server protocols and configuration
> > settings. Please draw your own conclusions.
> Hi, John. I'm pretty sure I "get" what oplocks are for and why they are
> good, I guess my question would be more along the lines of "do they work
> properly in samba?" along with the error message that prompts the
> question.

OpLock support in Samba is very well tested and proven code. That does not
mean that there are no bugs in it. By the same token, the document I
referred people to shows that the problem with OpLocks is just as big an
issue in a pure MS Windows server environment.

Is Samba OpLock support up to the grade? Sure, as far as we can determine
this is. If you can demonstrate otherwise we are eager to fix it.

> I think the question could be further distilled to "Is this an example
> of oplocks not working properly, or is it something else entirely?" I
> hope my question makes more sense worded that way.

I referred folks to the documentation to show that the whole subject is
MUCH deeper than "Is OpLocks any good in Samba?".

- John T.
John H Terpstra
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