Sorry to bother you again but in my situation with LDAP authentication it doesn't seem to work.

I'll explain the configuration in detail.

I have a Samba 2.2.8a domain controller which is compiled and configured with LDAP support.
The user and machine accounts are defined in LDAP. I manually added an Windows XP workstation
to the domain (no problems here) using a root account also defined in LDAP.
Now I would like to clone this machine to other machines using Norton Ghost 7.5. Therefore I have set up
a Ghost Multicast Server. Now when I use to Ghost Console on the multicast server and try to add our domain
to the list of supported domains in Ghost I get the error "Procedure number out of range".
On the Ghost Multicast Server there is the "ghost configuration server" service and on the client machine
there is the "ghost client agent" service. Both of these services only start with a local system account.
These services do not run under a domain account. If I try to run them under a domain account I get this
error message: "The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion".

Like I said, manually adding a machine to the domain gives no problems with the specified root account
in LDAP (see below, I did not include all attributes off course).
dn: uid=root, ou=xxx, o=xxx, c=xxx
objectClass: sambaAccount
uid: root
rid: 1000
uidNumber: 0
gidNumber: 0

Kind regards,

Werner Maes

At 15:20 23/06/2003, Dan Gapinski wrote:
Yes - sorry. I made a regular account for Ghost (which you could make with
adduser or useradd or handcoding the passwd file) and added it to a group
(in the groups file) that I called "admin". In smb.conf, I added a line that
went like this:
domain admin group = @admin

So that worked like a charm.
Hope that helps,
----- Original Message -----
From: "werner maes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Dan Gapinski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, June 23, 2003 2:21 PM
Subject: Re: [Samba] Ghost Create account: procedure number out of range

> Hello Dan, > > Thanks for yor reply ! > But what exactly do you mean with "making a regular administrator > account for Ghost"? > Is it an entry in /etc/passwd or smbpasswd for "administrator"? > Could you give more specific details? > > Kind regards, > > Werner Maes >

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